OHA Health

Yoga & Wellness009 – Yoga The Right Way For Better Sleep with Claudia Saalmueller

009 – Yoga The Right Way For Better Sleep with Claudia Saalmueller

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Claudia Saalmueller is a yoga and performing arts teacher. She studied at the Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance and holds a master degree of theatre sciences and education from the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich. Although dancing has always played a major role in her life she was searching for something calming and relaxing for her body and her mind. She found it in her yoga and meditation practice. She became an RYT 500 with the American Yoga Alliance, after finishing her teacher training in Vinyasa Flow at Airyoga Munich and in Rishikesh, India. Claudia is also specialized in teaching children and teenagers and Yin Yoga which she studied with Jo Phee at the Balance Yoga Institute Frankfurt Main.

I’m talking to Claudia about the right form of yoga for better sleep! I always joke that when I started teaching yoga two decades ago, yoga was not the sexy profession that it is today. Most people thought that yoga was boring. Fast forward a decade later, suddenly yoga was everywhere. Ranging from beer yoga to hot yoga and power yoga, everyone was trying to create a new form of yoga that identified with them personally rather than the age old ancient science that it is. Even today, we continue to have yoga explode into different forms, but are they all as good as they claim? Could your yoga practice be destroying your sleep? What’s the right form of yoga to restore sleep? Two yogini have an exciting conversation over this! 

In this episode, we dive into:

“Right Form Of Yoga For Better Sleep”

Claudia’s story and how did her interest in Yoga happen? 

I’ve been teaching yoga for two decades now and your interest is in yin yoga. Claudia and I share a similar view of yoga based on this. Let’s talk about different forms of yoga today, and how some forms of yoga might not be the right fit for someone struggling with poor sleep.

Results of research studies indicate that older adults practicing yoga regularly had better overall sleep quality, less episodes of disturbed sleep, took less time to fall asleep, less day time dysfunction, less use of sleep medications and also felt more rested and energetic in the morning. What are the reasons for this profound impact? 

Yoga is powerful in relieving stress and unwinding the nervous system. How does yoga actually do this and what kind of asanas and practices really work on the nervous system.

What is yin yoga? What are the profound characteristics of this form of yoga that actually target better sleep?

I recall the phrase that one hour of yoga nidra is equal or even better than 4-5 hours of better sleep. This is why I advice someone who has sleep very badly but has a hectic day ahead, to do an hour of yoga nidra. How does yoga nidra really support better sleep or even help improve energy on a day after very poor sleep?

For more on Claudia Saalmueller, you can follow her:

Website: www.danceyouryoga.de

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clouds.facebok.page

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danceyouryoga.de/

-For more on Deepa, The Sleep Whisperer, be sure to follow her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ohahealth/ and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ohahealth and you can also mail Deepa at deepa@ohahealth.com or find her at www.ohahealth.com.

Check out this episode!
