OHA Health

Functional Medicine046 – Guided Sound Healing Session with LeeAnn Dzelzkalns

046 – Guided Sound Healing Session with LeeAnn Dzelzkalns

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After competing a Bachelor of Social Work and practicing medical social work in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Lee Ann acquired a Master of Science in Exercise Sports Science at the University of Utah. Active in the fitness industry, she was a regular contributor to Shape magazine in 1980s and mid-1990s and a lecturer in mind-body integration at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for twenty-three years. Following her passion for the spiritual, she was ordained as an interfaith minister by the New Seminary in NewYork City, and since 1999, she has been a spiritual guide and officiant, creating and conducting sacred wedding ceremonies, celebration of life services, baby blessings, baptisms and assisting in the death and dying process.

Lee Ann is the founder of L A Consulting, Inc. and the Syinthesis® Sound Healing Center, where she offers sound soul journeys, workshops, treasure mapping, nature walks, guided meditations, and experiential exercises to elicit healing, defuse stressors, dissolve emotional attachments, invite deepening insights, and encourage self-transformation. 

  • Guided Sound Healing Meditation

For more on LeeAnn Dzelzkalns you can follow her:

Website: www.syinthesis.com & https://leeanndz.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syinthesis 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/syinthesissound/?hl=en  

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzie-senk-2081032/ 

Related Episodes:

045 – Sound Healing & Sleep

033 – Guided Sleep Hypnosis Session To Help You fall Asleep

032 – Sleep Hypnosis with Jourdan Rystrom 

009 – Yoga The Right Way For Better Sleep with Claudia Saalmueller

-For more on Deepa:

Deepa is a Yoga therapist for over two decades and a Functional Nutritionist for five. She brings together her experience in therapeutic & transformational yoga and deep learning in nutrition based on the principles of functional medicine to her practice Phytothrive. The focus has been on merging together the deep science of the functional world with the deep symbolism of ancient wisdom. She has a masterful understanding of the human anatomy with cohesive understanding of physiology to offer what can be classified as true bio-individual mind, body & spirit nutrition. Having a son with a rare adrenal condition gave her a deep insight into the working of the adrenals and the stress response, as it relates to all health and sleep. 

Her articles have been shared by Dr Mark Hyman, MD, a 13 times NY Times Bestselling Author twice. She also gave the opening speech on Health Hacks at Amazon Web Services & YourStory HeathTech 2019 to heads of healthcare start-ups in India. Deepa has twenty years of experience in wellness, where she has focus on sleep nutrition, women’s health, detoxification, skin health and adrenal function. She is in the YourStory100 Digital Influencers Of 2020.

Weekly Newsletter:

💎 Get her newsletter on how to help your body with Functional Medicine and Ayurveda at : https://ohahealth.com/

Social Media:

💎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ohahealth/

💎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ohahealth/

💎YourStory Articles: https://yourstory.com/author/deepakannan

💎YourStory 100 Digital Influencers 2020: https://yourstory.com/2020/12/yourstory-100-digital-influencers-2020  

To work with Deepa:

💎Write to: help@ohahealtlh.com

💎Write to: deepa@ohahealth.com

Check out this episode!
