OHA Health

Ayurveda048 – Sleep & Memory With Dr Manvir Bhatia

048 – Sleep & Memory With Dr Manvir Bhatia

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Dr. Manvir Bhatia is a Senior Neurologist and Sleep Specialist with over 25 years of experience. She is the Director of Neurology Sleep Centre, New Delhi.  She is currently the Vice President of Indian Society of Sleep research and the author of the book, The Sleep Solution, first non-fiction book on sleep, in India. She received a scholarship for 10,000 Women Entrepreneurs’ programmed Goldman Sachs and ISB Program at ISB, Hyderabad. Recently she has been awarded with Indira Gandhi Mahila Ratan Award and also awarded by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin on 4th June 2017, Boston, for “Extraordinary Contribution in Sleep Medicine” for the year 2017, for increasing the awareness of sleep medicine throughout India, research and training of sleep experts in India. She has conducted Awareness Program on Sleep Disorders in community for creating awareness about SLEEP and its importance, celebrated World Sleep Day for over 10 years.

Sleep and Memory

  • What brought Dr Bhatia to Neurology and sleep?
  • In a world where we tend to ignore forgetfulness and brain fog, can these general symptoms that many people go through be the clue towards something deeper?
  • What is memory? How is it formed?
  • What is the differentiation between short term and long term memory? How do these impact your life?
  • Why is memory important?
  • Why must we not ignore challenges with memory?
  • What is the link between sleep and memory? 
  • If someone were struggling with challenges in memory and poor sleep, what is advised?
  • Does she integrate neurological science with other interventions in her practice?

For more on Dr Manvir Bhatia you can follow her:





Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neurologyandsleepcentre 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neurology_sleepcentre/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/drmbhatia 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neurologysleepcentre/ 

Links to books:https://www.amazon.in/Sleep-Solution-Secrets-Good-Nights-ebook/dp/B01MRFTG2U 

Related Episodes:

041 – Sleep As A Barometer For Emotional And Physical Health with Dana Frost 

027 – Insulin Resistance & Sleep with Dr Benjamin Bikman

005 – Sleep, Depression and Aromatherapy with Joanna Rusling 

-For more on Deepa:

Deepa is a Yoga therapist for over two decades and a Functional Nutritionist for five. She brings together her experience in therapeutic & transformational yoga and deep learning in nutrition based on the principles of functional medicine to her practice Phytothrive. The focus has been on merging together the deep science of the functional world with the deep symbolism of ancient wisdom. She has a masterful understanding of the human anatomy with cohesive understanding of physiology to offer what can be classified as true bio-individual mind, body & spirit nutrition. Having a son with a rare adrenal condition gave her a deep insight into the working of the adrenals and the stress response, as it relates to all health and sleep. 

Her articles have been shared by Dr Mark Hyman, MD, a 13 times NY Times Bestselling Author twice. She also gave the opening speech on Health Hacks at Amazon Web Services & YourStory HeathTech 2019 to heads of healthcare start-ups in India. Deepa has twenty years of experience in wellness, where she has focus on sleep nutrition, women’s health, detoxification, skin health and adrenal function. She is in the YourStory100 Digital Influencers Of 2020.

Weekly Newsletter:

💎 Get her newsletter on how to help your body with Functional Medicine and Ayurveda at : https://ohahealth.com/

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💎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ohahealth/

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💎YourStory Articles: https://yourstory.com/author/deepakannan

💎YourStory 100 Digital Influencers 2020: https://yourstory.com/2020/12/yourstory-100-digital-influencers-2020  

To work with Deepa:

💎Write to: help@ohahealth.com

💎Write to: deepa@ohahealth.com

Check out this episode!
