OHA Health

Ayurveda060 – Guided Marma Meditation

060 – Guided Marma Meditation

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These mini episodes which air each Friday are on short guided sleep sessions. These ten minute sessions will guide you through gentle breath work, meditation, deep relations, visualisations, gratitude and affirmations, all to hold your hand and help you fall asleep! Play them each night to help your body shift into a parasympathetic mode where you can rest and heal.

Rima Shah’s first Ayurvedic teachers were her grandparents and parents who taught her many Ayurvedic home remedies and spiritual practices. She has been studying herbs and medicinal plants for 30 years, completing both Western and Ayurvedic herbal studies. She was part of the core faculty of Kanyakumari, Ayurvedic school in Milwaukee, WI in 2004-2008. She founded and created the Apothecary at Kanyakumari in 2004 and created some of her signature products. She also has taken numerous trips to India to enhance her knowledge through advance studies in Ayurvedic herbalism, Panchakarma, and women’s health. Rima has maintained an individual Ayurveda practice in the city of Milwaukee for the past seventeen years. She has also counselled women through birth, prenatal and postpartum care using her knowledge in midwifery and doula work, folk medicine and ancient Ayurvedic care for the childbearing woman. She has taught at Kanyakumari Ayurveda and Yoga School, the Bhavana Institute for Ayurveda and Yoga, and currently teaches a federally financially funded Ayurveda program at the Institute of Beauty and Wellness.

  • Marma is a magical word. This is a guided session on Marma with Rima Shah


Check out this episode!
