OHA Health

Functional Nutrition063 – Common Sleep Problems, Conditions & Solutions With Dr N Ramakrishnan

063 – Common Sleep Problems, Conditions & Solutions With Dr N Ramakrishnan

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Dr. N.Ramakrishnan is a Healthcare Entrepreneur who is American Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine & Sleep Medicine and also has a Master’s degree in Medical Management from University of Southern California. He is currently the Director of Critical Care Services at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai and is a Senior Consultant in Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. He was the first Board Certified Sleep Specialist to practice in India and established Nithra Institute of Sleep Sciences in 2004. He was also invited to meet the then honourable president of India, Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam who appreciated his contributions in the field of Critical Care & Sleep Medicine. 

Common Sleep Problems, Conditions & Solutions

  • What are the five common sleep problems that sleep specialists encounter?
  • What are the root causes and solutions for these five common sleep problems?
  • What is bruxism and what are the root causes of it?
  • What is sleep apnea and how is it linked to weight gain?
  • What are the signs that you might have sleep apnea?
  • What is your approach to helping someone with sleep apnea in terms of a holistic approach?

For more on Dr Ramakrishnan, you can follow him:

Website: www.nithra.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NithraSleep 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drnramakrishnan/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dr_ramakrishnan 

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramakrishnan-nagarajan-80746914/ 

Related Episodes:

052 – The Right Breath For Better Sleep With Elif Clarke, Breath Psychologist 

050 – Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine With Dr Mark Levi 

035 – Airway Health & Sleep with Julia Worrall 

027 – Insulin Resistance & Sleep with Dr Benjamin Bikman  

-For more on Deepa:

Deepa is a Yoga therapist for over two decades and a Functional Nutritionist for five. She brings together her experience in therapeutic & transformational yoga and deep learning in nutrition based on the principles of functional medicine to her practice Phytothrive. The focus has been on merging together the deep science of the functional world with the deep symbolism of ancient wisdom. She has a masterful understanding of the human anatomy with cohesive understanding of physiology to offer what can be classified as true bio-individual mind, body & spirit nutrition. Having a son with a rare adrenal condition gave her a deep insight into the working of the adrenals and the stress response, as it relates to all health and sleep. 

Her articles have been shared by Dr Mark Hyman, MD, a 13 times NY Times Bestselling Author twice. She also gave the opening speech on Health Hacks at Amazon Web Services & YourStory HeathTech 2019 to heads of healthcare start-ups in India. Deepa has twenty years of experience in wellness, where she has focus on sleep nutrition, women’s health, detoxification, skin health and adrenal function. She is in the YourStory100 Digital Influencers Of 2020.

Weekly Newsletter:

💎 Get her newsletter on how to help your body and health with Functional Medicine and Ayurveda at: https://ohahelath.com/

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💎YourStory 100 Digital Influencers 2020: https://yourstory.com/2020/12/yourstory-100-digital-influencers-2020  

To work with Deepa:

💎Write to: help@ohahealth.com

💎Write to: deepa@ohahealth.com

Check out this episode!
