OHA Health

Ayurveda120 – Guided Marma Tapping Session With Kael Balizer

120 – Guided Marma Tapping Session With Kael Balizer

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This Guided Marma Tapping Session by Kael Balizer uses EFT on ayurvedic marma points to release marma blockages, open energy channels and restore flow in channels of energy. 

On Wednesdays Deepa has conversations with awesome guests from all over the globe. On Fridays she and her husband Shyam offer guided sessions to help you relax, trust yourself and fall asleep. You can find meditations by Deepa under Sleep Whisperer and meditations by Shyam under Himalayan Yogi.

Kael Balizer has maintained a successful practice as a Natural Therapeutic Specialist and Ayurvedic practitioner, serving hundreds of clients over the past 20 years.  She is the founder of Life In Balance Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Center on Vashon. Her work focuses on the integral connection between the body, mind and emotions. In the last 10 years she has integrated EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques) into her practice, finding it most effectively facilitates physical and emotional healing by getting at the deep emotional roots of the issue. You can listen to her conversation on marma tapping in episode 119.

Other guided sleep meditations:

114-Guided Sleep Meditation-Universal Sound 2 

111-Guided Sleep Meditation-Hot Air Balloon 

108-Guided Sleep Meditation-Energy Flow 

102-Gentle Guided Sleep Relaxation 

098-Guided Sleep Meditation-Meditation On A Floating Island 

095-Guided Sleep Meditation-Time Travel To A Magical Land

078-Guided Meditation-Magical Balloons

064-Guided Sleep Meditation-Journey To The Womb

Weekly Newsletter:

💎 Website: https://phytothrive.com

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💎Blue Light Blockers: https://vivarays.com?sca_ref=1132978.lTmZvKjZ2k 

To work with Deepa:

💎Write to: support@phytothrive.com 

💎Write to: deepa@phytothrive.com

Check out this episode!
