OHA Health

Functional Nutrition158 – 3 Different Ways To Unpack A Dream With Nicoline Douwes Isema

158 – 3 Different Ways To Unpack A Dream With Nicoline Douwes Isema

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Nicoline Douwes Isema is a dream expert and sleep activist based in the Netherlands. She’s on a mission to show everyone that sleep is an active state of productive thinking and brainstorming. Since beginning her work on dreams over 15 years ago, Nicoline has co-authored a book in Dutch which teaches people to interpret their own dreams, and has been frequently featured on radio, podcasts, television, and in print in both Dutch and English promoting the power of intentional dreaming. 

  • What are the 3 steps to unpack your dream?
  • How can you tease apart more information?
  • What can you do with your dream?

For more on Nicoline Douwes Isema, you can follow her:

Website: www.thinkinginyoursleep.com  

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thinkinginyoursleep/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicoline.douwesisema    

Linked In: linkedin.com/in/nicoline-douwes-isema-00452912  

Related Episodes:

143 – How To Wake Up With A New Idea With Nicoline Douwes Isema 

129 – PTSD, Nightmares & Sleep With Dr Leslie Ellis, Clinical Psychologist 

113 – Extraordinary Dreams With Laurel Clark  

106 – Shamanism & Dreams With Ashera Serfaty 

096 – Lucid Dreaming To Redirect Dream Energy For Internal Healing  

073 – Creativity & Problem Solving Through Dreams 

053 – Using Your Dreams To Transform Yourself With Tyrone 

-For more on Deepa:

Deepa is an Allied Functional Medicine Practitioner, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Author and a Yogini at Phytothrive. Having a son with a rare adrenal disorder gave her insight into the working of the adrenals. Her articles have been shared by Dr Mark Hyman, MD, a 14 times NY Times Bestselling Author. She also gave the opening speech on Health Hacks at Amazon Web Services & YourStory HeathTech 2019 to heads of healthcare start-ups in India. She is in the YourStory100 Digital Influencers Of 2020. Her book on sleep with HarperCollins releases in 2023. She has been featured on the award winning podcast 15-Minute Matrix and UK Health Radio discussing sleep.

💎 Website: https://phytothrive.com

💎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsleepwhisperer 

💎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysleepwhisperer/ 

💎Blue Light Blockers: https://vivarays.com?sca_ref=1132978.lTmZvKjZ2k 

To work with Deepa:

💎Write to: support@phytothrive.com 

💎Write to: deepa@phytothrive.com

Check out this episode!
