161 – Understanding Hormones & Sleep Through Your Cycle With Dr Beth Westie
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Dr. Beth Westie is the author of the Best Selling book, The Female Fat Solution, the creator of the 12-Week Female Hormone Solution, the Eat for Your Cycleâ„¢ Method, and the host of The Female Health Solution Podcast. She has made it her mission to change the way women view their health. Working to educate and empower women to take their health into their own hands, she uses nutrition to help women work with the natural cycle of their bodies to achieve lasting weight loss results.
- What happens with hormones and sleep in different phases of the menstrual cycle?
- How can you tweak your food to support sleep during certain phases?
- How do we manage phases in perimenopause?
For more on Dr Beth Westie, you can follow her:
Website: https://drbethwestie.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/drbethwestie
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/drbethwestie
Instagram: www.instagram.com/drbethwestie
Related Episodes:
149 – Hormones & Sleep With Dr Beth Westie
103 – Detoxification, Women’s Hormones & Sleep
083 – EMF Toxicity & Sleep Disruption With Wendy Myers
014 – Hormone Deficiency & Bio-identical Hormones
004 – Women’s Hormones and Sleep with Jessica Drummond
-For more on Deepa:
Deepa is an Allied Functional Medicine Practitioner, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Author and a Yogini at Phytothrive. Having a son with a rare adrenal disorder gave her insight into the working of the adrenals. Her articles have been shared by Dr Mark Hyman, MD, a 14 times NY Times Bestselling Author. She also gave the opening speech on Health Hacks at Amazon Web Services & YourStory HeathTech 2019 to heads of healthcare start-ups in India. She is in the YourStory100 Digital Influencers Of 2020. Her book on sleep with HarperCollins releases in 2023. She has been featured on the award winning podcast 15-Minute Matrix and UK Health Radio discussing sleep.
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💎Write to: deepa@phytothrive.com