100 – Women’s Health, Hormones & Essential Oils For Sleep With Mama Z
Sabrina Ann Zielinskiย is the author of the bestselling book,ย Theย Essential Oils Diet, and the Mrs. Georgia 2019 beauty pageant titleholder. Widely known as “Mama Z”
101 – Headaches & Sleep With Dr Meg Mill
Dr. Meg Mill is a Functional Medicine Health Practitioner and Clinical Pharmacist. In her practice, she works with patients to focus on healing the root cause of their health strug
102-Gentle Guided Sleep Relaxation With Sleep Whisperer
This Gentle Guided Sleep Relaxation will help your body relax deeply through subconscious autosuggestion based on ancient yogic wisdom. It also guides you through the right sleepin
103 – Detoxification, Womenโs Hormones & Sleep With Dr Wendie Trubow
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA is a functional medicine gynaecologist, practicing functional medicine since 2009. There are so many different challenges in a womanโs life: work, home, re
104 – Inflammation, Colourful Food & Sleep With Dr Deanna Minich
Dr. Deanna Minich is a holistically minded health educator and author with more than twenty years of experience in nutrition, mind-body-spirit health, and functional medicine. Dr.
105-Guided Sleep Meditation-Golden Light
This Golden Light Meditation will help your body work through deep tension, in areas that you are not even aware of holding onto tension. It helps you flood your aura with golden l
106 – Shamanism & Dreams With Ashera Serfaty
Weaving shamanic energy medicine, intuitive coaching, alchemy, sound healing and holistic approaches to transformation, coaching and mentorship for the past 20 years, Ashera hasย b
107 – Probiotics For Sleep Masterclass With Kiran Krishnan
Kiran Krishnan is a Research Microbiologist and has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 18 years. He comes from a University research backgrou
108-Guided Sleep Meditation-Energy Flow
This Energy Flow Meditation by Himalayan Yogi takes you through the bliss of deep relaxation through the subtleties of prana flow. Prana is the subtle energy within each of us. The
109 – Mold, Chronic Illness & Sleep With Carla Ferrara, FNLP
Carla Ferrara is a Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner specialising in Lyme, Mold and Chronic Conditions. Education and work as a Systems Design Engineer taught her h