080-Guided Sleep Meditation-Solar Lunar Balance
This solar lunar balance meditation is a specially curated meditation by the Sleep Whisperer. It is based on solar lunar energies, also known as ancient wisdom. This meditation sup
081 – Peri Menopause & Sleep Dr Valerie Cacho
Dr. Cacho is a board certified internal medicine and sleep medicine physician. She is passionate about inspiring her patients to obtain optimal sleep health and wellness through
082-Guided Sleep Meditation-Floating To Freedom On A River With Himalayan Yogi
This Floating To Freedom On A River meditation is a specially curated meditation by the Himalayan Yogi. Meditations from the Himalayan Yogi flow from a space of inner wisdom and en
083 – EMF Toxicity & Sleep Disruption With Wendy Myers, FDN-P
Wendy Myers FDN-P is founder of MyersDetox.com and Harmonipendant.com. She is a heavy metal detox expert and functional diagnostic nutritionist. She is the #1 bestselling author of
084-Guided Sleep Meditation-Forgiveness Meditation
This forgiveness meditation is a specially curated meditation by the Sleep Whisperer. The deer is a symbol of love, humility, gentleness and forgiveness. Nature teaches us profound
085 – Natural Approaches to Improving Sleep Quality With Dr Michael Murray
Dr. Murray is one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books featuring natural approaches to health. He is a graduate, former faculty
086-Guided Sleep Meditation-Flying To Freedom
This Flying To Freedom meditation is a specially curated meditation by the Himalayan Yogi. Flying resonates with feeling light and free. This meditation is curated to connect with
087 – TMJ, Grinding Teeth, Facial Pain & Snoring With Dr David Shirazi
Dr. Shirazi graduated from Howard University College of Dentistry, in Washington D.C. in 2000 and earned a Masters degree in Oriental Medicine from SAMRA University in 2006 and is
088-Guided Sleep Meditation-Gratitude Meditation
This gratitude meditation is a specially curated meditation by the Sleep Whisperer. Gratitude is at the core of improving your resilience to stress. By offering gratitude we create
089 – Bone Health, Osteoporosis & Sleep With Susan Brady
Susan Brady brings a rich diversity of experience and knowledge to the healthcare profession. As a young physical therapist she quickly began to see how important taking an holis